This is not a very exciting post i'm afraid, just that i am going on a no-buy for 3 months. I've set the start date as 14th May 2012 and finish 14th August 2012 (just before my birthday so i'm sure i'll want to buy stuff then).
The Rules
Whats included - make-up, toiletries, hair extensions, perfume, false eyelashes, nail art stuff, nail polish and hair colour.
I must post on here if i break it.
I will use the time i'm not buying new stuff to do as many reviews of current products as i can.
I may not buy anything from these catogories except:
Essential toilettries (e.g. deodrant)
LE's which i will not be able to get once no-buy is over and if the LE finishes before i can include it as the end of month treat (no more than 2 items a month) and gifts for others.
Specific items for an important event (e.g. a wedding)
If i keep to my no-buy for each month i may buy one item i would really like (or one offer if drug store e.g. 3 for 2).
On a more exciting note i recieved a palette i ordered about 3 months ago - its gorgeous. Its the Fraulein 38 Sun Kiss Golden palette. I was going to finish my holiday reviews first before doing other stuff however i feel the need to review this straight away. This shall be up some time later today. I also have the 88 Shimmer palette, 88 Warm palette, 72 Diamond palatte, 66 Lip palette and 26 Blush palette so if you have any preference to which palette i will review next please comment below.
Thanks for reading
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